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Hitchhikers Guide to the E-Mail Migration

The most important thing: Don't panic

We are migrating our email service to a different service. The process will look as follows:

  1. We prepare everything to move. This means you need to assign your new password.

  2. You can configure your E-Mail client already once you have changed your password and start using the online calendar and address book

  3. When the new accounts are ready we will make the switch telling the world to send the emails to the new server. At the same time we will activate a process to fetch your emails from the old server to the new one.

You have received or will receive soon a notification with your new temporary credentials

You will be contacted by the e-mail migration bot in slack and receive an email to your current address.

This will contain your new email address in the format

You change your password and can pre-configure your email client

Enter with the credentials you received, and update your password.

Migration ready

Now you are ready for when the email server is migrated!

How to change your password

Enter with your credentials
Go ot

Go to and use your credentials to login. Then
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